- AOL Aid will work with the new AOL software (when it is released).
- AOL Aid is smarter about keeping the file transfer window visible
for a few seconds after you click on it.
- AOL Aid no longer continually sends the file transfer window to the
back when it is the only window on the screen.
Version 1.1 changes:
- You can now click on the download window to bring it to the front,
and AOL Aid will give you a few seconds to click on the Cancel
button before is sends the download/upload window to the back again
- AOL Aid no longer cares what you name the America Online application.
AOL Aid is a little INIT that allows you to do other things on
America Online while you are downloading/uploading files.
America Online has always had the capability to download/upload
in the background, but it forces you to do nothing else while
you are downloading files anyway. To get around this, many
people have been using a "Send Behind FKEY" or the like which
sends the File Transfer window behind all the other windows
on the screen so you can do other things such as browse
messages, etc.
I decided I'd rather have this capability automatically, so I
wrote AOL Aid. Once AOL Aid is installed (just drag it into
your System Folder and reboot), it automatically senses when
AOL's File Transfer window is on the screen and immeadiately
sends it behind all the other windows on the screen.
You are free to browse messages while you download/upload files
- AOL will act a bit slower while you are downloading/
uploading in the background. Don't be alarmed, be patient.
You can effectively browse and post messages while files
are uploading/downloading in the background, it will just
be a bit slower.
- If you should wish to CANCEL a File Transfer, you must hold
down the SHIFT key while you click on the File Transfer
window, and keep the SHIFT key down while you click on the
CANCEL button. Otherwise, AOL Aid will send the File
Transfer window to the back as soon as you activate it!
- DO NOT attempt to download/upload a file while AOL Aid has
one downloading/uploading in the background. Weird things
happen, AOL doesn't support downloading/uploading
multiple files at the same time.
- AOL Aid is NOT endorsed by Quantum Computer Services, Inc
(the publishers of America Online), I wrote it on my
own without their consent, thus they have no affiliation
with AOL Aid.
That's about it. I hope you enjoy AOL Aid. It is completely
Andrew Welch/Ambrosia
AOL: AndrewWelc
We here at Ambrosia have written several other useful programs as well; if you'd like us to send them to you, send us a self-addressed, stamped disk mailer and an 800K disk.